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Architects of the Future 2015. Workshop | Deadline: 12 June 2015

Architects of the Future 2015 is an intensive development program for young leaders and thinkers from Central and Eastern Europe who want to shape peaceful future for the region. Participants will work together with experienced trainers and experts to increase their communication, negotiation, and conflict mitigation skills.

If you are active in an NGO, in a political or academic organization, and if you believe achieving public goals in dialogue is important, you should apply to this program. You can be a student or a professional at the begining of your career. If you only want to learn how to have stronger and positive impact on your community through facilitating dialogue and communication flows, fill in the application form and join us for two weekends of exceptional personal growth program in June and July.

Application deadline: 12 June 2015

Place – Krakow and Lanckorona, PL
Participants – 20
Experts and Trainers – 7
Dates –  26-28 June & 3-5 July 2015
Working hours – aprox. 60
Certification provided

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