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Belarus in Focus 2014 International Journalism Competition Award Ceremony | 15 April 2015

Belarus in Focus Information Office cordially invites you to the award ceremony of ’Belarus in Focus 2014’ – the fourth edition of an annual competition for journalists who have published about Belarus in media outside in 2014. is  a media partner of the Competition.

The Award Ceremony will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 in Warsaw at Pracownia Duży Pokój, 4/6 Warecka street (entrance from Kubusia Puchatka Street). 

Event on Facebook

Read the short review of all winner articles:
“Belarus in Focus 2014: Before the Award Ceremony” by Felix Blatt

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This year, the competition received 51 articles by 40 authors from 14 countries. Many of these articles were of excellent quality and the jury had a hard time coming to a decision. However, after careful consideration, the jury has awarded prizes to (in alphabetical order):



Jury members wish to give special mentions to:

Winners in the professional category will receive prizes of 500 EUR each, and winners in the beginners category will receive prizes of 300 EUR each.  Winners will also be invited to a workshop – more details about the date and the place of the workshop will follow soon. The award ceremony will take place during the workshop. Other competition participants may also be invited depending on the number of remaining places.

Comments by the jury members on the winning articles will be published before the award-giving ceremony.

The winner of the online competition is:

She will receive a photo album by Siarhei Plytkevich called The Planet Belarus

During the ceremony, not only the winners in the competition will be awarded, but the winner of the special prize from The Guardian’s New East Network will be announced. The prize includes a week-long internship for a Belarusian journalist in the Guardian.

The ceremony will be held in English and Polish (consecutive translation) and moderated by Maria Przełomiec, Polish Journalists of Telewizja Polska and specialist on Eastern Europe.

Belarus in Focus 2014 was organized by Belarus in Focus Information Office in partnership with Press Club Belarus, Press Club Polska, members of the International Association of Press Clubs, and partly supported by MYMEDIA/NIRAS.

Competition in brief

Belarus in Focus 2014, the fourth edition of annual competition for journalists writing about Belarus for media outside Belarus, has received 51 articles by 40 authors from 14 countries, which were written in 2014. After careful consideration, the jury selected three prize-winners among professional journalists from Germany, Switzerland and Russia, as well as three prize-winner among beginner journalists from Portugal, Poland and Spain. Winners of the competition will receive monetary prizes of EUR 500 and EUR 300.

All finalists were invited to attend a workshop from April 14th to 16th in Warsaw with participating of jury members, experts and journalists.

The judging panel included:

Michael Andersen, MYMEDIA/NIRAS, Director (Denmark);

Brian Bonner, Kyiv Post, Chief Editor (U.S.A.);

Jodie Ginsburg, Index on Censorship, Executive Director (U.K.);

Tamina Kutscher, n-ost: network for reporting on Eastern Europe, Editor (Germany);

Pavel Sheremet, Belarus Partisan, Chief Editor (Belarus).

In 2014, The Guardian’s New East Network, the information and analytical network about former USSR, was one of the partners in the competition and nominated a special prize for a Belarusian journalist. 

All articles of Belarus in Focus 2014 and information about the winners are available on competition website

Belarus in Focus 2014 website

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