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Join the Action: Write Your Letter to Ukrainians

Sometimes we want to help but we don’t know how. Sometimes short and sincere words are enough to put a smile on the faces of people who have found themselves in a difficult situation. Join us in our action to support Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front with the pro-Russian separatists.

Writing letters to Ukrainians. Source: FrontPoshta

Writing letters to Ukrainians. Source: FrontPoshta

The action which surprised and inspired me has been organized in Ukraine by Листи Солдатам FrontPoshta (Letters to Soldiers, Frontline Post) and Euromaidan SOS. Kids and adult civilians write letters to the Ukrainians who fight with pro-Russian separatists on the frontline.

Together with a bunch of friends who are concerned about the situation in Ukraine we decided to organize a similar action.

If you would like to drop a word to the people who fight in eastern Ukraine with pro-Russian separatists, you can send an email to [email protected] (we will print them WITHOUT your email address and pass them to the volunteers in Kyiv who will then forward them by post directly to the Ukrainian soldiers).

We ask for the words of support for people who are basically forced to live in a tough situation. We ask for the words of support free of judgment and hate. We would like to emphasize the human dignity, to encourage to treat all the people who are involved in the war as human beings, not as a target for attack. Ukrainians want peace. Every soldier dreams about going back home healthy and safe.

You can write in English, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian.

So far we have received letters from Poland, Ukraine, Germany and Costa Rica.

We are waiting for your letters till 17 February 2015!

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