This year the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum celebrates its 5 year long active support aimed at citizens and democratisation process in the European Union’s eastern neighbourhood. Once again, representatives of CSOs from countries gathered around the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme and from the European Union itself will assemble to discuss the progress, development and future agenda for the programme concerning mainly its civil society dimension.
What has changed for the civil society in the region since last year in the light of recent events in Ukraine and Russia’s foreign policy towards its close neighbours?
Get an update on the situation of civil societies
in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
and on the EU-EaP relations
Follow the the 6th EaP CSF General Assembly in Batumi, Georgia, online:
Facebook | Twitter | #6thEaPCSF |watch livestream
Official website | Participant’s list | Speakers | Agenda | Side events
Back to 2013:
“What Future for the EaP Civil Society Forum?“
asked Krzysztof Bobiński, co-chair of the previous EaP CSF Steering Committee
CEPS: The Civil Society Forumof the Eastern Partnership four years on; Progress, challenges and prospects
Europeum: Taking Stock of EU Civil Society Funding in EaP Countries
The Common Europe Foundation, publisher of, is also present at the Assembly in Batumi.
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