The Bohdan Osadczuk’s German-Polish-Ukrainian School will take place from 18th till 25th November 2014. We have the pleasure to invite students from Germany, Poland and Ukraine to apply on-line. The enrolment ends on 13th October 2014. English is the School’s language of instruction.

Szkoła im. Bogdana Osadczuka, źródło:
The enrolment ends on 13th October 2014 at midnight. The candidates are required to read the terms of participation and to fill in the following questionnaire.
The project consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops in the form of the 7-day School, where English is the language of instruction. We dedicate the School to students from Germany, Ukraine and Poland, for they are soon to shape the future of not only their respective countries but also Europe as a whole.
The School’s main priority is to enhance Polish-German reconciliation and apply its mechanism into Polish-Ukrainian reconcilement process. We consider knowledge essential for restoration, maintenance and development of friendly and constructive inter-human relations. Hence, the School’s program will emphasise bilateral relations between the three countries concerned, especially their common history, ethnic divisions and current socio-politico-cultural cleavages. Moreover, we regard practical skills as indispensable to render knowledge applicable to everyday life. This is why the second part of the School will focus on communication and negotiation workshops. We believe, that such a combination of knowledge and practical skills should be a mainstay and starting point for young Germans, Ukrainians and Poles to build their common relationships.