Migration in Eastern Europe: EU and EaP – Statistics and forecasts
[June 2014 UPDATE]
In a context of upcoming signing of the Association Agreement with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, as well as EU’s slow recovery, slow rise of euroscepticism, and a tense public debate about the scale of immigration flows to Europe, it’s good to know the real numbers and forecasts concerning the neighbourhood.
OSW: “Forecasting migration between the EU, V4 and Eastern Europe” [June 2014]
#Czechia #Hungary #Poland #Slovakia | #Belarus #Moldova #Ukraine
![V4, UA, BY, MD: migration, via OSW [click] V4, UA, BY, MD: migration, via OSW [click]](/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/v4-eap-migration.png)
V4, UA, BY, MD: migration, via OSW [click]
“The report demonstrates a comprehensive analysis of contemporary migration from Eastern Europe to the EU and V4 as well as detailed prognosis of future migration dynamics”.
From the Report:
“Although the migration situation in Russia was not our main research aim, it can be concluded that Russia still remains the primary destination for Ukrainian, Belarusian (over 90%) and Moldovan migrants”.
“Two out of four V4 states are key destination countries for Eastern European migrants, namely Poland and Czechia”.
“No massive inflow of labour migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova to the EU should be expected after the visa regime for short-term travel for up to 90 days is abolished”.
More Background – Wider Picture:
#Belarus #Ukraine #Moldova
#Georgia #Armenia #Azerbaijan
“Making Migration Manageable: An EU-EaP Action Plan?” [February 2014]
“The EU’s failure to attract the most talented temporary migrants from EaP…” [June 2014]
“Who Wants to Leave Forever? Emigration from EaP Countries” [August 2013]
Debate on OneEurope: “Statistics of emigration from Eastern Partnership countries”
Below: Migration in Eastern Europe via ENPI Info
More: The Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum
Post Scriptum: Ukraine’s Refugees
Context in 2013/2014:
“This Should Not Happen Again”. Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on EU Migration Policy
![Europe's migration routes, via BBC [click] Europe's migration routes, via BBC [click]](/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/europe-migration-routes.png)
Europe’s migration routes in 2014, via BBC [click]