Belarus cannot boast grand music events with artists of worldwide renown. That is why the organisers count on small but unique festivals.

Open Air Festival, source:
The Open Air Festival (“Вольнае паветра”) is taking place in Shabli, 80 km from Minsk, on 25 August. Belarusian wilderness is a perfect place for a performance of ethno and folk musicians. Despite the fact that ethno music is the leitmotif of the Festival, there will be other rhythms too, from electro to rock to reggae. Among the confirmed artists is the French Debruit band, presenting typically Arabic sounds in an entirely new form and adds visualisations. The organisers provide the return Minsk-Shabli transfer. More on:
Another proposal is this year’s edition of Basovisca. Although the festival is held in Poland, it is worthy of the title of a “Belarusian festival”. Conducted since 1990, Basovisca focuses on promotion of young Belarusian bands. That is why, apart from the gigs of well-known performers from Poland and Belarus, its core is the young rock group contest. This year the festival is held between 13 and 14 July. More on:
Translated by Marta Lityńska