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Paweł Charkiewicz

The Spring European Diplomacy Workshop Final

As a representative of, a medium for exploring the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme, I was invited by the European Academy of Diplomacy to participate in the European Diplomacy Workshop. My slightly sceptical attitude to the workshops turned out to be a misconception. Europe-class speakers, interesting guests, study tours and a well-chosen selection of participants from Europe and Asia  I can recommend the Workshop, in all conscience, to everyone interested in diplomacy and international issues. 

Uczestnicy EDW podczas finałowej uroczystości, źródło:

The European Diplomacy Workshop (EDW) is a week-long programme devoted solely to the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and European Union Foreign Policy. The third edition was held from 22 to 27 April. It included lectures from experts on EU foreign policy, EaP and European Neighbourhood Policy, as well as hands-on skills training in International Negotiations, Public Speaking, Strategic Planning and Leadership.

The Workshop has been designed for emerging political and social leaders, public servants and non-governmental representatives who are eager to learn how to influence the ever-changing international situation. The workshops are also an opportunity to make many interesting acquaintances. I asked other participants what they think of the EDW.

Rza from Azerbaijan: The EDW was well thought out. The theory-practice balance was kept. The workshops nicely alternated with interesting study visits to the Polish Foreign Ministry and Embassies of Germany and Great Britain.

Iryna from Belarus: The EDW was one of the best workshops I’ve ever been to.

Bella from Armenia: The EDW and other workshops of the kind give one a chance to get to know the representatives of the new generation of elite from the EaP countries. I’ve also benefitted from the educational elements of the workshops.

Vlodymyr from Ukraine: I came here hoping to gain new experience and acquire hands-on skills. And I did.

Gheorghi from Moldova: I enjoyed Warsaw very much. The EDW classes were great. I could listen to interesting people and cooperate with my new, very ambitious colleagues.

Maka from Georgia: I love Poland and Polish people. The workshop was an opportunity to meet interesting people who share my interests. It was also a great training for working in the international environment.

The final point of the workshop was a discussion panel on threats to the European Currency, scenarios possible in the future and introducing Euro in Poland. The panellists concluded the discussion with advising the participants of the EDW to follow their passions, implement global ideas in all aspects of life and strive for innovation. By the end of the European Diplomacy Workshop, Andrzej Klesyk, the President of PZU S.A., which supported the EDW together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, awarded diplomas alongside Katarzyna Pisarska, the Director of the European Academy of Diplomacy.

The European Diplomacy Workshop is organised twice a year, spring and autumn. The 2012 Spring EDW has just completed and the recruitment for the Autumn Edition held in late November is now beginning. To apply for the European Diplomacy Workshop, click here.

Translated by Marta Lityńska

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Rodowity Podlasiak z dziada, Poleszuk z pradziada. Z wykształcenia politolog(AP) i europeista(UW). Obecnie kończy edukacje w Studium Europy Wschodniej UW. Samozwańczy spec od Ukrainy i mniejszości narodowych w Polsce. Notoryczny eksplorator Krymu. Miłośnik Azji Centralnej. Ostatnio amator Kaukazu. Zna języki polski, angielski, rosyjski i ukraiński.

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