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Paweł Lickiewicz

Azerbaijan: The Eurovision Contest Is Not Enough

The Eurovision Song Contest is not the only event that Azerbaijan is currently absorbed in. This year, besides the pop festival, Baku hosts a high culture event. Streets of this ancient city will be full of contemporary art – passersby will have an opportunity to admire artistic installations thanks to the 012 Baku Public Art Festival.

012 Baku Public Art poster, source:

The best well-known cultural event held this year in Azerbaijan is undeniably the Eurovision Song Contests. Yet it is not the only one. From 25 February to 1 September, 012 Baku Public Art Festival takes place in the Azerbaijani capital. The whole event has been launched by the non-commercial organization YARAT!promoting Azeri contemporary art.

During the first stage of the festival – at the beginning of March – artists consulted their project with historians and urban planners in order to choose a place in the city space for their works. Here is a complete list of artists participating in the event. A photo relation from the opening of the Festival is on the Baku City Life website.

One of the visualizations of Ali Hasanov from the Baku Public Art Festival:

During the Festival, Director Rufat Hasanov is making a documentary showing artists in the process of creating their installations. His film will be shown at the end of the event in September. Here you can find the opening ceremony and first completed works (video in Azerbaijani and Russian).

Source:,,[mappress mapid=”1265″]

Translated by KD

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Paweł Lickiewicz

Redaktor Naczelny portalu 2012-2014. Absolwent Instytutu Europeistyki na Wydziale Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych w Warszawie. Stypendysta programu LLP Erasmus na malowniczo brzmiącym Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem w Budapeszcie. Gdy się zorientował, że będzie kolejnym humanisto-politologiem, skręcił na Wschód i zaczął specjalizować się w tematyce Europy Wschodniej, Kaukazu i Azji Centralnej. Uwielbia podróże i koszykówkę. Nie przepada za operowaniem absolutami.

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