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Paweł Lickiewicz

Azerbaijan: Is Winning Twice in a Row Possible?

Sabina Babayeva will represent the Land of Fire in the 57th Eurovision Song Contest. Azerbaijan dreams about a second victory in a row and joining an elite club of countries who achieved this feat in the past. Does Sabine have a chance?

Sabina Babayeva, source:

Sabina Babayeva, born in 1979 in Baku, was a student of Asaf Zeynall Music College in the country’s capital and is best known in Azerbaijan for her performance of the title song “Roya kimi” to the series Bəyaz həyat (White Life) in 2003. The 32 years old singer is a veteran on the Azerbaijani music scene. It was not her first attempt to win national finals – last year she was third. But in 2012, everyone bets on her. Is her experience enough to ensure the victory? The song she will present in Baku Crystal Hall in May will be officially announced on 17 March. Below you can listen to Babayeva’s performance.

Eurovision’s national finals:

More about Babayeva here.

In the history of Eurovision Song Contest, one of the longest in the TV industry, it rarely happens that someone wins twice in a row. Thus far only four countries were so lucky. Luxemburg won in 1972 and 1973, and Israel in 1978 and 1979. Spain’s story was special – it won in 1968, but a year later it had to share its second victory with three other countries (in fact in that edition there were four winners). But the absolute leader is Ireland, who in 1992-1994 won in the Contests three times in a row. In fact, Dublin has seven victories under its belt and is the absolute leader, with Johnny Logan who won twice as a singer and once as an author of a song being the Eurovision legend.

John Logan in Eurovision Contest in 1987.


Translated by KD

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Paweł Lickiewicz

Redaktor Naczelny portalu 2012-2014. Absolwent Instytutu Europeistyki na Wydziale Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych w Warszawie. Stypendysta programu LLP Erasmus na malowniczo brzmiącym Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem w Budapeszcie. Gdy się zorientował, że będzie kolejnym humanisto-politologiem, skręcił na Wschód i zaczął specjalizować się w tematyce Europy Wschodniej, Kaukazu i Azji Centralnej. Uwielbia podróże i koszykówkę. Nie przepada za operowaniem absolutami.

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