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Artur Kacprzak

EU: Prague Will Host Foreign Ministers from EaP States

On 5 March Prague will host the meeting of the foreign ministers from Eastern Partnership states, Visegrad Group countries and Baltic states. High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner Stefan Fule will also be in attendance.

Pałac Czerniński w Pradze, siedziba Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych Czech, autor: Ludek, źródło:

The Czernin Palace in Prague, headquarters of the Foreign Ministry of Czech Republic, author: Ludek, source:

“The Eastern Partnership deserves more attention” – portal quotes Deputy Minister of Czech Republic Jiri Schneider. According to the reports of the Czech Press Agency (CTK), on 5 March there will be a meeting of foreign ministers from the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), the Visegrad Group states (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary), Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and Denmark which holds the Presidency over the EU Council. The meeting will also be attended by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Stefan Fule.

Rumours concerning the Belarusian foreign minister being uninvited “as yet” were quashed by Czech diplomacy.


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Translated by Marta Lityńska

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